
Limited to one family
On location
Up to 1 hour
Unlimited retouched digital images
Online gallery


Extended Family

On location
Over 6 people/multiple families
Up to 2 hours
Unlimited retouched digital images
Online Gallery



On location
Up to 1.5 hours
Clothing changes
Unlimited retouched digital images
Online gallery


Intimate Weddings

Up to 3 Hours Coverage
No limit on retouched digital images
Online Gallery
Choose Between:
16x20 Canvas OR Wooden USB



What Should I wear?

This is a loaded question.
First dress for the season, and dress for the weather.
Layers are always great, and can be taken off or added if need be.
Ladies you can't go wrong with a 'flowy' dress or skirt, I often suggest longer lengths as it helps to keep you covered in different poses.
Look for textures in the fabric ie: lace, cord, denim, linen ect.
Accessories ie; hats and scarves are always a great idea
Colors; I just suggest steering away from neons and big logos ( we want the focus to be on you)
Most importantly wear something you are comfortable in, and that makes you feel amazing!

Do you travel to me?

Yes! I am based out of Hanover Ontario and drive roughly a 1 - 1.5 hour (ish) radius to a location for full sessions

What is your Photographic style?

I treat each session a little differently depending on each client and their comfort level. I generally guide clients into "rough" poses and then have them interact with each other. Throwing out some prompts when needed. I want to capture those in between moments and genuine connection.

tips for children?

First and foremost, kids will be kids.
Make it fun, lots of snuggles, kisses, tickles and just overall quality time with family.
Give them breaks, if it becomes too much, simply take a break. Let them go do their own thing; while we do some individual or couples shots.
Make sure they are fed before your session. Full tummies = Happier Kids
Dress them weather appropriate, if they are comfortable they are more likely to cooperate.
Lastly, do not underestimate the power of a bribe. It could be anything, a special food or treat, a toy, a sleepover at grandma's whatever works.

Do you offer larger wedding packages?

As of January 2022, I will no longer be covering large all day weddings. I will however; be offering a more Intimate option covering up to 3 hours of coverage.

Ready to Begin?

Want More?

I offer a variety of different shoots. If you don't see what you are looking for, send me a message and let's plan a session that works for you!